02 July 2009

Piece of Dirt~

Listening to some old songs from grade 10 made me think about things.... I wish I could of changed more and do things. But thats the past but I really I hope i can change for good and really do somthing about it after this trip down to Sydney.

I am lower than a piece of dirt,useless and nothing for good, wish i wasn't the person i am, I don't even believe I am worthy to be God's child!


Steeejei said...

"I am lower than a piece of dirt,useless and nothing for good, wish i wasn't the person i am, I don't even believe I am worthy to be God's child!"

Dude, I understand what you mean when you say that you feel unworthy to be a child of God - nobody should feel worthy of this! It is a testament to our gracious and merciful God that anybody should be chosen.

But to say that you are lower than a piece of dirt is to 'blaspheme' against the Image of God in which you were made, restored and renewed.

Satan is the great accuser of the brethren and he doesn't need your help! Don't equate how you feel with how your walk is going, but instead meditate on what it means to be 'credited with His righteousness' and how God now views you through that lens. It doesn't take a trip to Sydney to think on this does it? :)