16 December 2009


Not going well, not enough rest, not eating well (really dun have any appetite to eat anymore). I just want to chill for a day and rest! My bible reading and prayer and slacked off a lot these 2 weeks. I just get too tired or busy to do those things! Need to slow down!
Constant studying these days, learning more Flight rules so I can fast track my pilot license! So much to cram, more test each week, each flight is pushing me to my limits of remember things cause I've got a hard instructor even as he said after the flight.... "Each time we fly, i'll keep pushing you to the limit, i am hard instructor so dun think i'll let you off with minor things!" So during the day I study like crazy, Need to remember the BAK book off by heart!

At night I keep switching jobs, it either subway (mon thurs), or my family shop in the other nights except Sunday Nights! Owning your own family business is a killer especially with paper work and finical stuff! Really stressful atm trying to make sure customers are coming back and everything, cause if not the consequence will be going to me!

But yeah I am tired of thinking and sick of working!


Virogreen said...
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