25 May 2009


A spokesperson from Cambridge University told The Sun: "The loop-the-loop is 12m in diameter, and (our academic) discussed its dynamics and together with Steve has worked out that he needs to be going at least 36mph (58 kmh) when he enters the loop, and that he will experience G-forces six times his own weight."

12 May 2009

Luggage eating plane~

08 May 2009

Crows Zero~

Last weekend watched a really violent movie, which started off as a manga about highschool brawl and trying to climb to the top of the school being the best and all! 

When they had the massive fight in the end there was a song sung by Meisa Kuroki and the title of the song is Hero lives in you~ 

It was a interesting movie but I liked the song more!

07 May 2009

Winter Sickness~

My flu got worse today, woke up with a really sore throat. So I stocked my body with garlic tablets and chinese herbal teas.
And tonite I made 番薯to help sooth my throat from being constantly dry!

Dream Car~

What would be your dream car? 
This would be my dream car!

06 May 2009

Birthday and 21st

Everyone this year seems to be celebrating their birthday with a bang, considering it is the 21st year that they’ve been born into this world. Yet peoples make so much fuss, why thou?

I was in a 21st party the other night, when a high school sempai asked me, “Why don’t you ever hold parties for yourself and this year is your 21st you should do something and because you don’t do parties I never remember your birthday!”

I said “Nah, not important and don’t wanna organise it.”

She replied “You always organise parties and reunions for your friends but you never organise something for yourself, you should do it just once for yourself!”

We’ll see was my reply.

I don’t know hey, I just like to organise it for my friends because they mean something to me, so I try my best to meet up and celebrate their special day for them, but for me I don’t know. I like to organise it for them but when it comes to me, I don’t want to make it a fuss and organising is stressful at times, so I guess I can’t be bothered doing something for myself which it will stress myself out, hence I guess I never do parties.

Only time I've had a party was in highschool in grade 10 at kurby park organised by harmony and Kevin! 

When technically it is just another number, soon will be my 21st in couple of months! Still we shall see whether there is a party or not!

05 May 2009

Joys of Long weekends

It  has a been a hectic, insane weekend full of events and activities! Started of the weekend on saturday by waking up at 5am in the morning. Why? A bunch of YF guys decided to go for a cruise up to Mt Tamborine! Arrived at the peak to see the wonders that God has created as the sun rose up to cast its rays upon the land!
Later in the arvo went to attend a Jeff and May wedding. Monday went to skirmish vsing BCAC and then Josh's 2st at night! Caught up with a lot of people at these various events, which was really good and enjoyable!